Top Dentist: Dr. Michael Gruber

Dr. Michael Gruber, General Dentist
Office: Parsippany
In practice: 33 Years

Dr. Michael Gruber
Photo by John Emerson.

NJM: What is the focus of your practice?

We do restorative work, crown and bridge work. Also in general dentistry, we can do any of the specialties.

NJM: What technology has changed patient care in recent years?

Spectra. It’s an early-cavity detection device. The Spectra fluoresces the tooth and the image is blown up on the computer screen. It looks like a Doppler radar, just like you see on the Weather Channel. If you have a cavity, it is going to show up in a red or yellow region, just like a storm brewing. People understand that completely. And the results are consistent from user to user.

The previous device was the Diagnodent, which for years was very good and still is very good, but it is not consistent from user to user, hygienist to hygienist or doctor to doctor. If they are using it at a different angle or further away from the tooth, they might have a varied result. But the Spectra is very consistent. There is a template that it slides on that goes in the mouth. You save that image and you compare it from visit to visit.

NJM: What are your favorite activities outside the office?

I love participating in water sports, especially competitive sailing. I also enjoy taking adventurous trips with my family. Most recently, I spent time with my daughter in Tanzania, and we climbed Mount Kilimanjaro last summer.

Also, I am in the process of developing a free dental center for the children at the Boys and Girls Club in Newark. It is going to be staffed by volunteers: hygienists, assistants and doctors. We should be open by July.

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